JulieBean’s Bakeshop

Winder, Georgia


Featured Products

Masters Cookies


click for description


Mommy by day ☀️

Cookie artist by night🌙

Capabilities & Pricing

Cookies start at $42 per dozen.

Deposit due within 48 hours of placing order.

Final payment due at or before pickup.


Order minimum: $42
Typical Deposit: 50%
Typical lead-time needed: 2 weeks

Pick Up Date

The “due date” is the date you’d like to pick up your cookies. If you’d like to pick up a day or two before your event, please be sure to select the pick up date as your due date. I cannot guarantee your cookies will be ready before the date selected as I bake and decorate in order of pick up to ensure freshness.

Refund Policy

Please note deposits are non-refundable but can be transferred to another date depending upon availability.

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